Frequently Asked Questions

What is Cuttinboard?

Cuttinboard is a comprehensive restaurant management platform designed to address the unique challenges faced by the hospitality industry. It's an all-in-one solution that streamlines various aspects of restaurant operations, making it an essential tool for restaurant owners, managers, and staff. With features that cover scheduling, messaging, employee management, inventory tracking, note-taking, and file storage, Cuttinboard is a game-changer in the restaurant industry, helping businesses optimize their operations and improve their overall efficiency.

Can I try Cuttinboard for free?

Absolutely! We offer a 30-days free trial, no credit card required! If you do not love Cuttinboard, just stop using it! That's it, no strings attached.

How secure are my payments on Cuttinboard?

We take payment security very seriously. All payments on Cuttinboard are processed through Stripe, a leading and globally trusted payment processor. Stripe complies with the strictest industry standards for security and is certified as a PCI Level 1 Service Provider, which is the highest level of certification available. When you make payments through Cuttinboard, your sensitive data is encrypted and securely transmitted directly to Stripe, ensuring the safety and confidentiality of your payment information.

What is included in the Cuttinboard pricing plan?

Our simple, all-in-one pricing plan includes access to all our features, up to 100 employees, and 5 GB of file storage. With just one plan, you don't have to worry about making microdecisions between different pricing tiers. For $50 a month, you get a complete suite of tools to manage and organize your restaurant effectively.

Is there any long-term commitment or contract required?

No, there are no long-term commitments or contracts with Cuttinboard. We believe in the value of our product, and we want you to have the flexibility to make the best decision for your business. Cuttinboard charges on a monthly basis, and you can cancel your plan at any time without penalties. This flexibility allows you to use Cuttinboard as long as it meets your needs.

How do I cancel my Cuttinboard subscription if needed?

Canceling your Cuttinboard subscription is simple and hassle-free. You just need to go to your Manage Billing tab and access the Stripe portal. From there, you will be able to cancel your subscription. There are no cancellation fees, and you can cancel at any time without any obligations. We believe in providing a user-friendly experience, and that includes making it easy for you to manage your subscription.

Are there any additional or hidden fees with Cuttinboard pricing?

No, our pricing is transparent and straightforward. At Cuttinboard, we believe in providing clear and fair pricing to our customers. We only have one pricing plan at $50 per month, which includes all the features and benefits we offer. There are no hidden fees, additional charges, or surprise costs. What you see is what you get, and we believe this transparency is one of the reasons why restaurants trust us.

Can I change my payment method or billing details anytime?

Yes, you can easily update your payment method or billing details anytime from your Stripe portal. We understand that businesses may need to make changes, and we aim to make the process as convenient as possible for our users.

What happens if I need to add more file storage?

We are working to increase the file storage limit, in the meanwhile, store your extra files in external services and store the links in Note Boards in Cuttinboard. Learn more about the Notes App here.

How has Cuttinboard helped restaurants improve?

Cuttinboard has helped restaurants in various ways. For instance, Melville Steakhouse experienced significant improvements in their scheduling process after using Cuttinboard for one year. They saved an average of $537 in wages per month, reduced staff turnover by 14%, reduced scheduled hours by 35 per month, and saved $100 in overtime pay per month. Other restaurants have also reported benefits such as enhanced team collaboration, boosted staff productivity and efficiency, and a more organized and streamlined workplace. You can learn more about Melville Steakhouse's story here.

What features does Cuttinboard offer?

Cuttinboard is packed with a wide range of features tailored to the needs of the restaurant industry. One of its key features is efficient document management, which provides a secure and organized platform for storing and sharing essential documents like training materials, menus, and standard operating procedures. This feature promotes seamless collaboration within your restaurant team. Other features include scheduling, employee management, messaging, note taking, Inventory Tracking, Daily Checklists, Multi-location management. These features are designed to streamline your restaurant operations and promote a culture of accountability and high standards.

How does Cuttinboard help in managing documents?

Cuttinboard's Files feature is a robust document management system designed to handle the unique needs of restaurants. This feature provides a secure and organized platform for storing and sharing essential documents like training materials, menus, and standard operating procedures. It allows you to create folders and set appropriate membership types to ensure the right people have access to the right information. This promotes seamless collaboration within your restaurant team and ensures quick and easy access to important information.

Can I access Cuttinboard from any device?

Absolutely! Cuttinboard serves as a centralized hub for all your restaurant's essential documents, enabling team members to access the information they need at any time, from any device. Whether you're using a desktop computer at the office or a mobile device on the go, you can easily access Cuttinboard and all its features. This flexibility is crucial in the fast-paced restaurant industry, where access to information at the right time can make a significant difference in your operations.

How does Cuttinboard’s Daily Checklists help in streamlining restaurant operations?

Cuttinboard's Daily Checklists feature is a powerful tool for ensuring the efficiency and consistency of your restaurant's operations. It provides clear guidelines and expectations for your team members, promoting a culture of accountability and high standards. With Cuttinboard, you can easily manage and modify your Daily Checklists, adding or removing tasks as needed, to create checklists that perfectly suit your restaurant's unique requirements. This feature helps streamline your restaurant operations, ensuring that everything runs smoothly and efficiently.

How does Cuttinboard help in cutting labor costs?

Cuttinboard helps in cutting labor costs by creating more efficient schedules and avoiding overtime. With Cuttinboard's advanced scheduling features, you can optimize your staff allocation, ensuring that you have the right number of staff at the right times. This can help you avoid unnecessary overtime costs, which can significantly reduce your labor costs. Moreover, by improving the efficiency of your scheduling process, Cuttinboard can also help you reduce the time and effort spent on scheduling, allowing you to focus more on running your restaurant.

How does Cuttinboard help in reducing waste?

Cuttinboard helps in reducing waste by providing powerful tools for tracking, reporting, and assessing the health of your inventory. With Cuttinboard, you can keep a close eye on your inventory levels, identify trends, and make informed decisions to minimize waste. This can help you reduce costs, improve efficiency, and contribute to a more sustainable restaurant operation.

How does Cuttinboard help in cutting training time?

Cuttinboard is an innovative platform that helps reduce the time and resources spent on staff training. With Cuttinboard, you can store all your training files in one place, which allows your staff to easily access them from their phones or computers. This means that your staff can learn at their own pace and convenience, without having to wait for scheduled training sessions or taking time off work for training.Overall, Cuttinboard revolutionizes the way you approach staff training, making it more efficient, accessible, and effective. Say goodbye to long training sessions and hello to a more streamlined and engaging training experience with Cuttinboard.

How does Cuttinboard help in reducing stress?

Cuttinboard can be hugely beneficial in helping restaurant owners to streamline their processes. This software automates tasks, freeing up staff time for more important, customer-facing activities. In addition to reducing stress levels, Cuttinboard can also help to improve efficiency and accuracy, leading to happier customers and increased profits. By using Cuttinboard, restaurant owners have more time to focus on growing their businesses and providing an exceptional dining experience for their customers.

How does Cuttinboard help in reducing paperwork?

Cuttinboard is a platform that provides a comprehensive solution towards digitizing the workspace. By leveraging advanced technologies and tools, it enables businesses to move away from the traditional paper-based approach and embrace the digital era. By adopting Cuttinboard, businesses can streamline their operations, reduce errors, and enhance collaboration among team members, thus reducing the reliance on paperwork. Moreover, Cuttinboard provides a range of features that allow businesses to manage their documents, tasks, and workflows with ease, such as cloud storage, document sharing, and task assignment. Additionally, Cuttinboard provides businesses with the flexibility to customize their workflows according to their specific needs, ensuring maximum efficiency and productivity. By utilizing Cuttinboard, businesses can not only cut down on paperwork but also drive growth and success in the digital age.

Who built Cuttinboard?

Cuttinboard was created by restaurant professionals who had firsthand experience with the inefficiencies and communication challenges prevalent within the restaurant industry. The team recognized the need for a solution that could streamline communication and enhance efficiency, leading to the development of Cuttinboard. The platform has since been tested and refined to ensure it meets the specific needs of the industry, with features such as real-time communication, order tracking, and inventory management. Cuttinboard is designed to empower restaurant owners and their teams to work more effectively together, ultimately leading to a better dining experience for customers.

Who is Cuttinboard designed for?

Cuttinboard is designed for restaurant professionals who want to improve their kitchen operations, optimize their time, and increase their efficiency. Whether you run a single restaurant or a chain of restaurants, Cuttinboard can help you enhance your organization and improve your communication and collaboration with your team members. With Cuttinboard, you can easily manage and track orders, monitor inventory levels, and streamline your cooking and preparation processes. Additionally, Cuttinboard provides you with detailed analytics and reports to help you make informed decisions about your restaurant's performance and growth. By using Cuttinboard, you can take your restaurant to the next level and provide your customers with the best dining experience possible.

How does Cuttinboard help with employee scheduling?

Cuttinboard simplifies the complexities of staff scheduling with user-friendly, powerful tools. It allows you to create, modify, and share schedules effortlessly, keeping your entire team informed and aligned. Additionally, Cuttinboard's scheduling software incorporates features that enable you to manage employee availability, swap shifts, and generate reports for payroll and compliance purposes. This means that you can streamline your workforce management, save time, and reduce errors. Moreover, Cuttinboard provides a mobile app that allows your employees to access their schedule, request time off, and communicate with their colleagues. This enhances employee engagement and satisfaction, leading to better work performance and customer service. Lastly, Cuttinboard offers customer support  to ensure that you get the most out of your scheduling software and achieve your business goals.

How does Cuttinboard help control labor costs?

Cuttinboard is a comprehensive software program that helps restaurateurs manage their workforce. It provides advanced scheduling insights to control labor costs and maintain exceptional service. This innovative tool allows you to analyze workforce performance and optimize staffing levels, thereby improving the efficiency of your business. Cuttinboard's state-of-the-art technology enables you to track employee hours, monitor their productivity, and ensure that the right amount of staff is on hand at all times. By utilizing Cuttinboard, you can manage your labor costs more effectively while still delivering top-notch service to your customers.

How does Cuttinboard help foster a cohesive team?

Cuttinboard helps foster a cohesive team in several ways. Firstly, it provides a platform for team members to communicate with each other seamlessly and efficiently. This allows for better collaboration and coordination between team members, which in turn leads to improved productivity and teamwork. Secondly, Cuttinboard's team management features allow team leaders to better manage their team, which can lead to improved employee retention. By recognizing the needs and preferences of team members, team leaders can ensure that their team members are satisfied and motivated, leading to lower turnover rates. Finally, Cuttinboard's focus on customer satisfaction ensures that team members are motivated to work together to provide the best possible service to customers. By creating a cohesive team that is focused on delivering high-quality service, Cuttinboard helps to improve customer satisfaction and loyalty.

How does Cuttinboard help streamline operations?

Cuttinboard is an essential tool for any restaurant owner or manager who wants to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of their operations. With its powerful organizational tools and user-friendly interface, Cuttinboard can help to make your restaurant run like a well-oiled machine, saving you time and money in the process. Additionally, Cuttinboard's tools can help restaurant owners and managers to more easily communicate with their staff, which can help to ensure that everyone is on the same page and working towards common goals. By using Cuttinboard, restaurant owners and managers can also gain access to valuable data and insights that can help them to make more informed decisions about their business.

How does Cuttinboard help cultivate an engaging culture?

Cuttinboard helps promote company culture by providing employees easy access to notes and files that contain valuable insights on best practices and service excellence. By using the platform's Message Boards, employees can share their opinions, ideas, and feedback, which fosters a positive and collaborative environment. The notes and files, along with the feedback from the Message Boards, can help employees improve their skills, productivity, and job satisfaction. As a result, this translates into a cleaner, more efficient, and happier workplace where employees feel valued and engaged in the company's mission and vision.

How does Cuttinboard contribute to employee retention in restaurants?

Cuttinboard's employee management features can play a key role in boosting employee retention. By providing a platform for clear communication, efficient scheduling, and easy access to essential information, Cuttinboard can help create a more organized and stress-free work environment. This can lead to higher job satisfaction and employee retention.

How does Cuttinboard's note-taking feature benefit restaurants?

Cuttinboard's note-taking feature allows for easy sharing of important information, best practices, and guidelines. This can help ensure that all team members have access to the information they need to perform their roles effectively, leading to improved service quality and customer satisfaction.

How can Cuttinboard help restaurants improve their customer service?

By streamlining operations, improving team communication, and promoting efficient scheduling, Cuttinboard can help restaurants deliver superior customer service. When your team is well-coordinated and your operations run smoothly, you can better meet your customers' needs and exceed their expectations.

How can Cuttinboard help new restaurants succeed?

For new restaurants, Cuttinboard can provide a solid foundation for efficient operations. Its features can help streamline various aspects of running a restaurant, from scheduling and communication to document management and inventory tracking. This can free up time for restaurant owners to focus on other important aspects like menu development, marketing, and customer service.

What are the benefits of using Cuttinboard?

Using Cuttinboard is an investment in the success of your business. By implementing this innovative tool, you are creating a culture of efficiency and organization that will reap benefits across all areas of your operations.Your employees will be happier and more productive, as they will have a clear understanding of their responsibilities and schedules. This will in turn foster stronger communication and collaboration between team members, leading to a harmonious and high-functioning workplace.Overall, by using Cuttinboard, you will create a virtuous cycle of success that will lead to increased sales and a healthier balance sheet. Don't hesitate to invest in the future of your business with Cuttinboard today!