Direct Messages

Cuttinboard's Direct Messages feature allows you to engage in one-on-one conversations with your colleagues, fostering collaboration and streamlining communication. In this article, we'll guide you through the process of starting and managing direct chats with team members who share organizations with you.

Starting a Direct Message

  • Click on the Direct Messages icon next to your profile picture.
  • Click on "Add" to start a chat with someone in your organization.
  • Type the team member's email address into the input field and click on the search button.
  • If you're within a location, you can view a list of its members and initiate a chat by clicking on the corresponding Employee Card. A new chat will appear under your Direct Messages.
  • Click on the chat to open the conversation.

Sending Messages and Images

  • Type your message in the input box provided.
  • To attach an image, click on the image icon and select the file you wish to send.
  • Click the send icon to deliver your message.

Congratulations! You've successfully established a chat with a colleague. By using Direct Messages, you can enhance collaboration, quickly resolve issues, and maintain a clear line of communication with your team members.

Cuttinboard's Direct Messages feature allows you to engage in one-on-one conversations with your colleagues, fostering collaboration and streamlining communication. In this article, we'll guide you through the process of starting and managing direct chats with team members who share organizations with you.

Starting a Direct Message

  • Click on the Direct Messages icon. It is number 3 in this image:
  • Click on "Add" to start a chat with someone in your organization. It is the + icon on top.
  • Type the team member's email address into the input field and click on the search button.
  • If you're within a location, you can view a list of its members and initiate a chat by clicking on the corresponding Employee Card. A new chat will appear under your Direct Messages.
  • Click on the chat to open the conversation.
  • Press the blue + symbol on the bottom to compose a message

Type your message and click on the attachment icon on top to include an image. Hit the send icon to the top right when you are ready to send your message.

Congratulations! You've successfully established a chat with a colleague. By using Direct Messages, you can enhance collaboration, quickly resolve issues, and maintain a clear line of communication with your team members.