File Management in Cuttinboard

In Cuttinboard, the Files feature provides an organized and secure platform for storing and sharing important documents, such as training materials, menus, or standard operating procedures. By creating Drawers (folders) and setting appropriate membership types, you can ensure that the right people have access to the right information.

To create and manage a Drawer in Cuttinboard, follow these steps:

  • Navigate to the Files tab within a location.
  • Click "Add" to create a new Drawer (a folder containing files).
  • Name the Drawer and provide a description.
  • Select the membership type. Cuttinboard offers three types of membership:
  • a. Open to Everyone: Every user in the location is automatically a member.
  • b. Linked to a Position: Everyone with the selected position is automatically a member, and you can add Guests or Admins later.
  • c. Selected Members: Members are handpicked.
  • Press "Accept" to create the Drawer.
  • Inside the Drawer, click the Info icon on the top bar to view details and edit or delete the Drawer as needed.
  • On the top right, you can manage the Drawer's members.
  • To upload a file, click the "Upload Files" button and select the desired file(s) from your device.
  • If you wish to grant Admin permissions to a member, click "Members" and then "Add Admin." Admins have the ability to upload, delete files, and manage members in the Drawer.

With the Files feature in Cuttinboard, you can easily store, organize, and share important documents with your team members. This helps improve communication and collaboration within your restaurant, ensuring that everyone has access to the necessary information to perform their tasks efficiently and effectively.

Use Cases and Ideas

Some files that you may want to share with your team (these are examples and every restaurant has unique needs)

  1. Employee Handbook: This document should outline company policies, procedures, and expectations, as well as the rights and responsibilities of employees. It should cover topics such as dress code, attendance, time-off requests, and disciplinary actions.
  2. Training Manuals: Provide comprehensive training manuals for each position in your restaurant, including kitchen staff, servers, bartenders, and hosts. These manuals should contain step-by-step instructions, best practices, and troubleshooting tips for each role.
  3. Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs): Upload detailed SOPs for essential tasks and processes, such as opening and closing the restaurant, handling cash, food preparation, and cleaning. These documents help ensure that your staff follows consistent methods and maintains high standards.
  4. Menu Information: Share the latest menu versions, including detailed descriptions of each dish, ingredients, allergen information, and any special instructions for preparation or service. This helps your staff provide accurate and knowledgeable information to customers.
  5. Health and Safety Guidelines: Upload documents outlining food safety procedures, emergency procedures, and workplace safety guidelines. This ensures that your staff is aware of best practices and can maintain a safe working environment.
  6. Promotions and Special Events: Share information about upcoming promotions, special events, or menu changes to ensure that your staff is prepared and can provide excellent customer service.
  7. Supplier Information: Upload a list of your restaurant's suppliers, including their contact details, order schedules, and any specific instructions for placing orders or handling deliveries.
  8. Performance Reviews and Employee Evaluations: Share performance review templates and guidelines to help managers conduct effective evaluations and provide constructive feedback to employees.

By uploading and sharing these essential files with your restaurant team using Cuttinboard's Files App, you can create a well-informed, organized, and efficient workforce that is prepared to provide an exceptional dining experience for your customers.

In Cuttinboard, the Files feature provides an organized and secure platform for storing and sharing important documents, such as training materials, menus, or standard operating procedures. By creating Drawers (folders) and setting appropriate membership types, you can ensure that the right people have access to the right information.

To create and manage a Drawer in Cuttinboard, follow these steps:

  • Click "Add" (the + icon on top) to create a new Drawer (a folder containing files).
  • Name the Drawer and provide a description.
  • Select the membership type. Cuttinboard offers three types of membership:
  • a. Open to Everyone: Every user in the location is automatically a member.
  • b. Linked to a Position: Everyone with the selected position is automatically a member, and you can add Guests or Admins later.
  • c. Selected Members: Members are handpicked.
  • Press "Accept" to create the Drawer. (The checkmark icon on top)
  • Inside the Drawer, click the Info icon on the top bar to view details and edit or delete the Drawer as needed.
  • On the top right, the icon to the left, you can manage the Drawer's members.

  • And you can grant Admin permissions to a member. Admins have the ability to upload, delete files, and manage members in the Drawer.
  • To upload a file, click the "Upload File" button (blue circle on the bottom right) and select the desired file from your device.

With the Files feature in Cuttinboard, you can easily store, organize, and share important documents with your team members. This helps improve communication and collaboration within your restaurant, ensuring that everyone has access to the necessary information to perform their tasks efficiently and effectively.

Use Cases and Ideas

Some files that you may want to share with your team (these are examples and every restaurant has unique needs)

  1. Employee Handbook: This document should outline company policies, procedures, and expectations, as well as the rights and responsibilities of employees. It should cover topics such as dress code, attendance, time-off requests, and disciplinary actions.
  2. Training Manuals: Provide comprehensive training manuals for each position in your restaurant, including kitchen staff, servers, bartenders, and hosts. These manuals should contain step-by-step instructions, best practices, and troubleshooting tips for each role.
  3. Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs): Upload detailed SOPs for essential tasks and processes, such as opening and closing the restaurant, handling cash, food preparation, and cleaning. These documents help ensure that your staff follows consistent methods and maintains high standards.
  4. Menu Information: Share the latest menu versions, including detailed descriptions of each dish, ingredients, allergen information, and any special instructions for preparation or service. This helps your staff provide accurate and knowledgeable information to customers.
  5. Health and Safety Guidelines: Upload documents outlining food safety procedures, emergency procedures, and workplace safety guidelines. This ensures that your staff is aware of best practices and can maintain a safe working environment.
  6. Promotions and Special Events: Share information about upcoming promotions, special events, or menu changes to ensure that your staff is prepared and can provide excellent customer service.
  7. Supplier Information: Upload a list of your restaurant's suppliers, including their contact details, order schedules, and any specific instructions for placing orders or handling deliveries.
  8. Performance Reviews and Employee Evaluations: Share performance review templates and guidelines to help managers conduct effective evaluations and provide constructive feedback to employees.

By uploading and sharing these essential files with your restaurant team using Cuttinboard's Files App, you can create a well-informed, organized, and efficient workforce that is prepared to provide an exceptional dining experience for your customers.