Harnessing the power of links

The Notes App seems like a fairly simple tool, and it is, but when properly used it can be your most powerful feature.

Notes can save important links you may want to share with your team. Here is how to harness the power of links like a pro.

Don't want to expend your limited storage space in the files app? Or your files surpass the 50mb size limit? Just host your content in external tools and post the links in a Notes board.

For example, if you have a big library of training videos you can host them in a place like Youtube and just copy and paste the respective links in individual Notes.

Suddenly you have a massive library of videos that your team can access and you have not consumed a single megabyte of data from your plan.

Have important and extended web documents? Copy the link and paste it on Notes as well.

The possibilities of link posting in Note Boards are endless.

Beyond Notes, you can use Conversations to post links of external services that can elevate your operations. For example, want to create a detailed poll or survey and see where your team stands in terms of morale and other parameters? Use a polling tool such as Google Forms and share the link in a public conversation.

Now everyone can access the poll, register their answers and provide you with valuable insights.

The number of strategies and use cases you could implement with links in Cuttinboard cannot be numbered.

Have an slideshow about company culture that is hosted on the web? Just post the link on a Note with the title Our Culture, and you are all set. We could keep going all day.

Cuttinboard acts as a bridge between external tools and your team in a simple way that otherwise would be impossible to reach or at least extremely difficult to share. Cuttinboard opens a world of possibilities when it comes to using external tools or services that will elevate your team and your business.

The Notes App seems like a fairly simple tool, and it is, but when properly used it can be your most powerful feature.

Notes can save important links you may want to share with your team. Here is how to harness the power of links like a pro.

Don't want to expend your limited storage space in the files app? Or your files surpass the 50mb size limit? Just host your content in external tools and post the links in a Notes board.

For example, if you have a big library of training videos you can host them in a place like Youtube and just copy and paste the respective links in individual Notes.

Suddenly you have a massive library of videos that your team can access and you have not consumed a single megabyte of data from your plan.

Have important and extense web documents? Copy the link and paste it on Notes as well.

The possibilities of link posting in Note Boards are endless.

Beyond Notes, you can use Conversations to post links of external services that can elevate your operations. For example, want to create a detailed poll or survey and see where your team stands in terms of morale and other parameters? Use a polling tool such as Google Forms and share the link in a public conversation. Now everyone can access the poll, register their answers and provide you with valuable insights.

The number of strategies and use cases you could implement with links in Cuttinboard cannot be numbered.

Have an slideshow about company culture that is hosted on the web? Just post the link on a Note with the title Our Culture, and you are all set. We could keep going all day.

Cuttinboard acts as a bridge between external tools and your team in a simple way that otherwise would be impossible to reach or at least extremely difficult to share. Cuttinboard opens a world of possibilities when it comes to using external tools or services that will elevate your team and your business.