Managing your Account

Managing your account in Cuttinboard is crucial for ensuring that your personal information is accurate and up-to-date. In this Help Center article, we will provide you with a comprehensive guide on managing your account, including updating your profile, contact details, and password. We will also cover language settings and account deletion. Let's dive in!

Updating Your Profile

To maintain a professional appearance and help others recognize you on the platform, it's essential to keep your profile information updated. Here's how you can edit your profile:

  • Navigate to the Manage Account tab and click on the "Edit" button in the Profile section.
  • To upload a new profile picture, click on the profile pic circle. We recommend using a high-quality, professional-looking photo that represents you well.
  • Update your first and last name as needed.
  • Once you're satisfied with the changes, click "Save" to apply the updates to your profile.

Editing Your Contact Details

Keeping your contact details up to date ensures that you can be reached easily and receive important notifications. To edit your contact details, follow these steps:

  • Click on the "Edit" button in the Contact Details section.
  • Fill in your phone number, preferred name, emergency contact, and any additional comments or information you'd like to include.
  • After entering your contact details, click "Save" to confirm the changes.

Changing Your Password

For security reasons, it's a good practice to update your password regularly. Here's how you can change your password in Cuttinboard:

  • In the Manage Account tab, click on the "Edit" button in the Change Password section.
  • Enter your current password to verify your identity.
  • Type in your new password and confirm it by entering it again in the field below.
  • Click "Save" to apply the new password to your account.

Additional Account Settings

  • Changing Language: Cuttinboard allows you to change the platform's language to better suit your preferences. To switch languages, find the language dropdown menu below the Change Password section and select your desired language.
  • Deleting Your Account: If you no longer wish to use Cuttinboard, you can delete your account by clicking the big red "Delete Account" button at the bottom of the page. Please note that you cannot delete your account while you have an active plan.


By following this comprehensive guide, you can effectively manage your account in Cuttinboard and ensure your personal information remains accurate and up to date. For additional help or information, please explore other articles in our Help Center or reach out to our support team.

After creating your account, the first thing you should do is to complete your profile.

Your profile is your presentation card to the world of Cuttinboard. Everyone that interacts with you inside of Cuttinboard will be able to see your profile.

First, tap your menu on the top left corner of your app. Then tap on Account.

Tap on the circle to set a profile picture for your account. A professional headshot is always advised. If you need to, easily change your first name, your last name, and your date of birth on the forms below. Remember that changes will not be saved if you leave without tapping the Save Changes button.

Right below the Save settings button, you can select the language you want Cuttinboard to display in.

At the end of the Account tab, you can see the Delete Account button. This will delete your Cuttinboard account. There is a condition needed in order to delete a Cuttinboard Account: you can't be the owner of any location. You are an owner when you have created a location and it has an active plan. Locations can't be deleted in Cuttinboard as long as they have an active plan. To delete a location, cancel its subscription and wait until the end of its billing period. Then it will disappear from your dashboard and you will cease to be an owner of the same.

Time to dive into the "Change Password" section.

In this section, as the name says, you can declare a new password. This is specially useful when you did not create an account and a temporary password was emailed to you. The section consists of 3 text boxes, in the first one, you will input your current password, in the second one you will input your new desired password, and in the third text box you will confirm your new password. Finally, tap the Save Changes button. Congrats! You have changed your password.

Next up we have the Phone Number section.

The purpose of this section is to associate your account with a verified phone number so people across Cuttinboard will be able to have another way of contacting you outside the app, besides your email. This section consists of 2 Text Boxes, the first one displays the current phone number associated with your account, if none has been declared this text box will appear empty. In the second text box you can type the new phone number that you want to associate with your account. Remember to declare the country code before your phone number. Next, tap on Save Changes, if the information is correct and the phone number you introduce is not associated with any other account, a text message containing a code will be sent to your phone. Introduce this code in the new text box that appears below, and you are finished associating a new phone number with your Cuttinboard Account.

Congrats! You have a deeper understanding on how to manage your account.

Next up: Creating a Location