Managing your employees

Managing your team effectively is crucial to your restaurant's success. Cuttinboard simplifies adding, deleting, and managing employees, providing a centralized hub to oversee your team. In this article, we'll guide you through managing your employees using the "Employees" tab in your chosen location, ensuring that you don't miss any crucial details.

Accessing the Employees Tab

1. Navigate to the "Employees" tab within your chosen location.

2. Observe the employee count and limit in the top-left corner.

3. On the right side of the top bar, you'll find the "Add a New Employee" and "Manage Positions" buttons, but we will cover those later.

4. Use the search bar to find specific employees or filter them by position using the dropdown menu next to it.

Adding a New Employee

1. Press "Add a New Employee" to onboard a new team member.

2. Fill in the employee's first name, last name, and email address (where the invitation will be sent).

3. Select the employee's role: General Manager, Manager, or Staff. Roles determine the level of permissions an employee has within the location. You can change roles later if needed.

4. Choose up to 5 positions for the employee. This helps organize your workspace and can be edited later.

5. Click "Save" to send an invitation to the employee. If the email is associated with an existing Cuttinboard account, they'll join the location immediately. If not, an account will be created for them, and they'll receive a temporary password via email. Remind them to check their email and copy the password before logging in.

Joining or Leaving a Location as an Owner

1. As an owner, you can choose to be more involved in a location's daily activities by clicking "Join This Location." This makes you a member, allowing you to participate in public elements and receive notifications.

2. To step back from a location's daily activities, click "Leave this Location." Owners can rejoin at any time.

Editing Employee Information

1. Click the three-dot menu next to the employee's name, and select "Employee Settings."

2. Change their role, update their positions, and modify their wages (if you have the necessary permissions).

3. Access an employee's documents by selecting the "Documents" option. You can see documents uploaded by the employee and add documents yourself. Any documents uploaded to an employee's profile will be deleted when the employee is removed from the location.

4. Delete an employee from the location by selecting the "Remove" option in the menu.

Important Considerations

- General Managers have all permissions but cannot change the roles of other General Managers.

- Managers can only add and delete employees with the "Staff" role. They can also manage staff members, see their wages, and manage schedules (if granted permission during setup).

With Cuttinboard's user-friendly platform, you can manage your team effectively, save time, and focus on providing exceptional service. By incorporating all the essential details in this comprehensive guide, you can ensure that you're fully utilizing Cuttinboard's features to streamline your team management processes.

When you access the mobile app, and log into a location where you are an Owner, a Supervisor or a General Manager, the first thing you see is the Employees tool.

This is the hub where you add, delete and manage your team.

On the superior bar we see the amount of employees we have and the limit(100).

On the right side of the superior bar, you have the Add a New Employee button.

Press it to onboard a new member into the team. The dialog consists of 5 elements:

1- Name. Here you will introduce the first name of the employee you are onboarding.

2- Last Name. Here you will introduce the Last Name of the employee you are onboarding.

3- Email. Here you will introduce the email of the employee you are onboarding and where the invitation will be sent.

4- Role. There are 3 roles in a location apart from the Owner. We have General Manager, who has all the permissions in this location. Managers, who will have limited permissions in this location, and Staff, who will not have permissions other than participate and see the location elements. You can always change roles of an employee later.

5- Positions. Here you will select the position and the wage of the employee you are onboarding. This is useful to organize your workspace properly. You can always edit the positions later.

When you have introduced this information, press Add Employee. If the email that you inputted is associated with an user that already has a Cuttinboard Account, they will join the location immediately. If the email you introduced does not have a Cuttinboard Account, we will create an account for them, and email them a temporary password.

Let's talk about the Join This Location button. Its purpose and implications.

When you create a location, you are automatically its owner, but you do not belong to it. What does this mean? It means you are alienated to what is happening, you do not receive notifications from this location. This is designed this way for owners who have multiple locations and do not want to be overwhelmed by everything that is happening in their restaurants. If you want to be closer to a location, and participate in its everyday activities, you can declare yourself as a member by clicking Join This Location.

You can always stop being a member anytime you want by pressing the Leave this Location button.

Let's dive into how to manage your employees. Tap the three dots menu on an employee card.

This will open an array of options: Contact Information, Employee Settings, Documents, Delete. Click on Employee Settings to Change the Role of the employee, their positions and wages.

Remember that General Managers have all the permissions, but cannot change roles of other General Manager.

Is also important to mention that Managers can only Add and Delete Employees with the Role of Staff.

Congrats! You have a deeper understanding of how the Employees tool works.