Message Boards

Effective team communication is vital for the smooth operation of any restaurant. Cuttinboard's Message Boards feature provides a centralized platform for discussing important topics, sharing information, and fostering collaboration among team members. In this article, we'll explore how to create and manage Message Boards to enhance team communication within your location.

Creating a Message Board

  • Navigate to the "Message Boards" tab within your chosen location.
  • Click on "New Message Board" to start the process.
  • Enter a name for the Message Board (e.g., "Schedule Discussion").
  • Add a description to provide context for the conversation.
  • Choose the Membership Type for the Message Board:
  • Open to Everyone: All members of the location are automatically added.
  • Linked to a Position: Members with the selected position are automatically added. Guests and Admins can be added manually.
  • Selected Members: Members are handpicked and added individually.

For our example, we'll create a "Schedule Discussion" Message Board that's open to everyone, allowing team members to discuss shift exchanges, availability, and other scheduling matters. Click Accept to create.

Managing Your Message Boards

  • Once the Message Board is created, it will appear in the list of Message Boards within your location.
  • Members will see the new Message Board under "My Conversations," accessible via the icon on the top bar.
  • Use the Message Board menu to manage various aspects of the conversation:
  • Manage Members: Add, remove, and see members.
  • View Message History: Review and monitor previous discussions.
  • Edit: Update the Message Board name and description.
  • Delete: Remove the Message Board entirely.

By implementing Message Boards effectively, you'll create an organized communication hub for your team, improving collaboration, information sharing, and overall restaurant operations.

Use Cases and Ideas

Let's go over some useful Message Boards ideas you could implement in your restaurant to increase productivity and elevate your business:

Recognizing great work

A conversation where employees that do great work are publicly recognized. Let's say Mike completed a perfect shift as a prep cook where he left all the necessary backups to restock the line, he always cleaned after himself, kept the workspace tidy and shiny and not only that, but he voluntarily assisted coworkers in other stations. In other words, his shift was excellent, there is no other way to put it.

In a Message Board called Recognition, you could expose the excellence Mike showed today. This is a way to reward excellent work, and a strategy to keep your workforce engaged and following the high standards you set for your restaurant. Humans are deeply motivated by recognition, and if your entire staff knows that by doing excellent work there is a chance to be recognized in front of the whole team, they will work with more dedication and selflessness.

How would you go about his? Well, once you create the conversation you can write a message like this:

Today Ethan completed a rockstar shift:

  • Completed all his prep tasks
  • Assisted coworkers in other stations
  • Kept Station Clean and Tidy
  • Left his workspace shining

And then you attach a picture highlighting and complementing how good and beautiful his station looks.

The same way you did with ethan you can do with any employee in any position, or with the team in general.

Build the habit of complementing your team, you will notice the results slowly overtime in improved retention, more productivity and engagement.

Remember to never highlight employee's mistakes or bad work in public, use Direct Messages to talk with employees about ways to improve as a team member.


You could dedicate this Message Board to make important announcements in the restaurant, such as changes in the menu, a new dish you are introducing or important announcements from corporate.

Schedule DIscussion

You could dedicate a Message board to discuss the topic of Scheduling.

Effective team communication is vital for the smooth operation of any restaurant. Cuttinboard's Message Boards feature provides a centralized platform for discussing important topics, sharing information, and fostering collaboration among team members. In this article, we'll explore how to create and manage Message Boards to enhance team communication within your location.

Creating a Message Board

  • Navigate to the "Message Boards" tool within your chosen location.
  • Click on "New Message Board" to start the process.
  • Enter a name for the Message Board (e.g., "Schedule Discussion").
  • Add a description to provide context for the conversation.
  • Choose the Membership Type for the Message Board:

  • Open to Everyone: All members of the location are automatically added.
  • Linked to a Position: Members with the selected position are automatically added. Guests and Admins can be added manually.
  • Selected Members: Members are handpicked and added individually.

For our example, we'll create a "Schedule Discussion" Message Board that's open to everyone, allowing team members to discuss shift exchanges, availability, and other scheduling matters. Click the checkmark icon to create.

Managing Your Message Boards

  • Once the Message Board is created, it will appear in the list of Message Boards within your location.
  • Use the Message Board menu to manage various aspects of the conversation:

Remember that members of the different Message Boards will be able to see them under My Conversations, which is the icon #2 in this image.

By implementing Message Boards effectively, you'll create an organized communication hub for your team, improving collaboration, information sharing, and overall restaurant operations.

Use Cases and Ideas

Let's go over some useful Message Boards ideas you could implement in your restaurant to increase productivity and elevate your business:

Recognizing great work

A conversation where employees that do great work are publicly recognized. Let's say Mike completed a perfect shift as a prep cook where he left all the necessary backups to restock the line, he always cleaned after himself, kept the workspace tidy and shiny and not only that, but he voluntarily assisted coworkers in other stations. In other words, his shift was excellent, there is no other way to put it.

In a Message Board called Recognition, you could expose the excellence Mike showed today. This is a way to reward excellent work, and a strategy to keep your workforce engaged and following the high standards you set for your restaurant. Humans are deeply motivated by recognition, and if your entire staff knows that by doing excellent work there is a chance to be recognized in front of the whole team, they will work with more dedication and selflessness.

How would you go about his? Well, once you create the conversation you can write a message like this:

Today Ethan completed a rockstar shift:

  • Completed all his prep tasks
  • Assisted coworkers in other stations
  • Kept Station Clean and Tidy
  • Left his workspace shining

And then you attach a picture highlighting and complementing how good and beautiful his station looks.

The same way you did with ethan you can do with any employee in any position, or with the team in general.

Build the habit of complementing your team, you will notice the results slowly overtime in improved retention, more productivity and engagement.

Remember to never highlight employee's mistakes or bad work in public, use Direct Messages to talk with employees about ways to improve as a team member.


You could dedicate this Message Board to make important announcements in the restaurant, such as changes in the menu, a new dish you are introducing or important announcements from corporate.

Schedule DIscussion

You could dedicate a Message board to discuss the topic of Scheduling.