Understanding the Schedule Tool

Creating and managing schedules is a critical aspect of running a successful restaurant. Cuttinboard's Schedule tool simplifies the process, allowing you to allocate shifts, manage labor costs, and ensure adequate coverage for your operations. In this article, we'll walk you through the various features of the Schedule tool and provide tips for optimizing your scheduling process.

Navigating the Schedule Tool

  • Click on the "Schedule" tab within your chosen location.
  • Ensure you're viewing the correct week for which you want to create the schedule.

Creating and Managing Shifts

  • Add projected sales by clicking the first button on the top bar. This will help you allocate shifts based on anticipated demand.
  • Assign shifts to your employees as needed by clicking on the corresponding cell.
  • You can also create preset shifts in the "Settings" tab to save time.
Preset times allow you to make shifts much faster.
  • Monitor the schedule data, such as hours scheduled, estimated wages, labor percentage, and overtime hours. Adjust the schedule as necessary to meet your requirements and company standards.
  • Use the "Roster" view to ensure your days are adequately covered and well-balanced.
  • Use the filters to view schedules by staff, managers, scheduled employees, employees with changed shifts, or position.

Publishing and Notifying Employees

  • Once you're satisfied with the schedule, click "Publish" to make it available to your employees.
  • Press ok to notify your employees about their assigned shifts. They'll be able to view their shifts on their phones.

By following this comprehensive guide, you can make the most of Cuttinboard's Schedule tool, ensuring that your restaurant is well-staffed, labor costs are managed efficiently, and your team is informed about their work schedules. This, in turn, will lead to improved service, higher customer satisfaction, and ultimately, a more successful restaurant operation.

Creating and managing schedules is a critical aspect of running a successful restaurant. Cuttinboard's Schedule tool simplifies the process, allowing you to allocate shifts, manage labor costs, and ensure adequate coverage for your operations. In this article, we'll walk you through the various features of the Schedule tool and provide tips for optimizing your scheduling process.

One of the most critical factors of an organized restaurant is having an scheduling tool. Modern scheduling tools offer so many features that it can be overwhelming and difficult to understand how to use them, that's why the Cuttinboard team created a scheduling tool effective and simple enough for restaurant professionals. In this article we will learn the ins and outs of how to use it. We promise it will be a short article, because as we stated, it is a very simple tool.

How to access the Schedule tool?

In the Cuttinboard Admin app, when you log into a location, the second tool in the dashboard will be the Schedule tool.

It is important to let you know that the schedule tool is a little bit more limited in our Mobile App, the web app version is the complete package. Here are some features of the web app that you can't enjoy on the mobile version:

Cloning Schedules

Advanced Employee Filtering

Ability to Change the Overtime rules

Ability to create preset shifts

The schedule tool in the mobile app is meant to adjust schedules on the go, that is why it has the most basic functionalities.

Understanding the Schedule tool
  • First, ensure you're viewing the correct week for which you want to create the schedule.
  • Add projected sales by clicking the menu on the top bar. This will help you allocate shifts based on anticipated demand.

  • Assign shifts to your employees as needed by clicking on the corresponding cell.
  • Click on Summary to monitor the schedule data, such as hours scheduled, estimated wages, labor percentage, and overtime hours. Adjust the schedule as necessary to meet your requirements and company standards.

  • Use the "Roster" view to ensure your days are adequately covered and well-balanced.
  • Once you're satisfied with the schedule, click "Publish" to make it available to your employees.