Understanding your Dashboard

The dashboard is the starting point for everything in Cuttinboard. Understanding it is essential for your success.

On the left bar you will see several tabs.

First we have Owner Portal, here is where you create, access and manage your locations.

Second, we have Locations, this is where you see the locations you are a member or a supervisor of.

Third, we have Account, here you can edit your profile, your Contact Details and Change your Password.

Fourth, we see My Documents, here, we can upload relevant PDF documents that your employers may need.

And lastly, we have Manage Billing, you will not be able to add billing information until you have verified your email, so, click on the verification link we sent you and then click on "I have verified my email"

Let's keep exploring the Dashboard. On the top right corner you will see your profile picture if you have uploaded one in your account tab, but we'll talk about that later. When you press the dropdown arrow, a menu will appear:

There you see some options:

First, you will see Dashboard. When you tap this, you will be able to return to your dashboard on any screen you find yourself in while using the app. After that, we have Account, another way of accessing your account tab, which we previously went over. Then we have the Help Center tab, which allows you to visit our Help Center any time you click on it. The mobile app tab allows you to get the links to our Mobile Apps in case you want to share them with your team. Finally we have the Sign Out button, which will log you out of the Cuttinboard app. This one is extremely useful, especially in workplaces where there is a shared computer and different managers use the app at different times.

Next to your profile picture, you see some icons, let's go over those.

This is the My Shifts icon.

Here we can see all our shifts from different locations. If you are logged into a location, you will be able to declare your availability for that location.

This is the My Conversations Icon.

Here you can see all the Message Boards that you are a member of, across all the locations you belong to. Think of Message Boards as a Group Chat where you can post messages.

This is the Direct Messages icon.

Here you can chat with other members of your organization that are using Cuttinboard, as long as you know their email. If you are inside a location you will be able to start a chat with anyone in that location.

Right below your profile picture, you have the Create a Location button, which does not need an explanation about its functionality.

Let's take a look at the Account tab in detail.

The account tab consists of 3 segments:

  • Profile
  • Contact Details
  • Change Password

Each section is pretty self explanatory, and we cover each one of those in other articles. In the Account tab you can also Change your preferred language and delete your account.

Congrats! Now you understand the Cuttinboard Dashboard and its elements!

The dashboard is the start point for everything in Cuttinboard. Understanding it is essential for your success.

On mobile, your dashboard consists of:

1. Three tabs on the bottom:
2: Three buttons on the top bar.
3: The Menu.

Let's talk about the tabs on the bottom. These will show:

  1. Locations you are a member of
  2. Locations you are a supervisor of
  3. Locations you are an Owner of

Let's talk about the buttons on top:

1. Clck here to see your shifts across multiple locations

2.Tap here to access your message boards across multiple locations

3.Tap here to access your Direct Messages with coworkers.

Let's talk about the menu. When you tap it, we can see an array of options.

First, we have My Profile. There we can Update Our Profile Picture, Name and Last Name, Password, And Contact Details.
On Documents we can upload documents useful to our employers.

And on Settings, we can change Language, access the Help Center and delete our Account.

Congrats! Now you understand the Cuttinboard Dashboard and its elements!