Using Notes to explain location-exclusive circumstances

Every restaurant has its unique quirks and features that are specific to that particular location. Whether it's a peculiar coffee machine, a finicky ice machine, or a table that requires special attention, these location-exclusive circumstances often cause confusion for new employees. To help your staff quickly learn the ins and outs of your restaurant, you can use the Notes app to create a resource that details all these unique aspects.


  • Navigate to the Notes tab in Cuttinboard.
  • Click Add to create a new Notes Board.
  • Name it something like "Restaurant Know-Hows" or "Location Tips and Tricks."
  • Provide a description to clarify the purpose of the Notes Board.
  • Click Accept to create the Notes Board.
  • Add notes detailing specific features, equipment, or processes unique to your restaurant.
  • Encourage your employees to read through these notes and ask questions if they need clarification.

By creating a Notes Board with information on location-exclusive circumstances, you empower your employees to learn and adapt quickly to their new work environment. This not only helps reduce confusion and frustration for new employees, but it also saves valuable time for managers who would otherwise have to explain these quirks repeatedly. Embrace the power of Cuttinboard's Notes app to streamline the onboarding process and create a more efficient, well-informed team.

For example:

Your restaurant has a door that has a peculiar  way of opening that only you know about, when others try to open it, it gets jammed. It is exhausting to have to teach the way to open this door every time new employees find themselves with the problem. Just create a series of Notes explaining in detail how to properly turn the knob so it does not get jammed.

Now everyone can learn how to properly open the door without getting it jammed.